Iris Rivera contracted HIV from her husband, who used intravenous drugs. She said she had to live for her three children, and fought to overcome the depression, stigma, and stereotyping associated with HIV.
No longer a death sentence
As far as Iris Rivera knew, the clock was ticking.
The doctors said she had maybe five years to live — if she was lucky — and if there was anything that Rivera knew with almost absolute certainty, it was that luck was a complete stranger. Full story
Two tales of living with HIV/AIDS
When it comes to HIV/AIDS, Catherine duBois Gaynes doesn’t mince words.
“Sex is fantastic,” she says, “especially when it’s done with that right loving feeling. But please, please, please protect yourself.” Full
From initial infection to AIDS: The progression of HIV click here
MythBusters: Know the facts about HIV
10 HIV/AIDS Myths click
An open discussion on violence click

June 27 is National HIV Testing Day |
Structure of HIV

HIV is a retrovirus that invades the body’s white blood cells, incorporates its own genome, and commandeers the body’s immune system. HIV targets CD4 or helper T cells that are responsible for fending off viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause disease. Full