‘Daddy’s Little Girls’ sends moral message
Kam Williams
   Julia (Gabrielle Union) is a very busy attorney pulling down a six-figure salary at the Atlanta law firm her father founded. She has a corner office and a pricey condo with a breathtaking view of the city. The only thing missing in this workaholic’s life is a mate to share all her success with, because, as she says, “It’s really hard to meet a nice black man.” Full story
Movie traces roots
of British abolitionist Charles J. Gans
WILBERFORCE, Ohio — A film about a member of parliament and abolitionist who helped end the slave trade in the British empire 200 years ago had its U.S. premiere at the southwest Ohio university named in his honor.
“Amazing Grace,” which chronicles the work of William Wilberforce, was shown at Wilberforce University last Friday, a week ahead of its release in U.S. theaters tomorrow. Full story
Tasha Smith’s evil side wreaks havoc in ‘Daddy’s Little Girls’
Kam Williams
One of a set of identical twins, Tasha Smith was born on Feb. 28, 1971 in Camden, N.J., where they and their younger sister were raised by their single mother. Smith and her sister Sidra got an early start in show business, both modeling and performing in community theater. At the age of 18, Smith moved to Los Angeles, supporting herself by taking odd jobs while trying her hand at standup comedy.
She made her big screen debut along with Sidra in 1994’s “Twin Sitters,” following that up with supporting roles in “Playas Ball,” “The Whole Ten Yards,” “ATL” and “You, Me and Dupree.” The versatile Smith also appeared on a variety of television shows, ranging from comedies like “The Steve Harvey Show” and “Girlfriends” to edgier fare such as “Nip/Tuck” and the HBO mini-series “The Corner.” Full story
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