March 22, 2007 — Vol. 42, No. 32
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Compromise and Consequence: William Lloyd Garrison
Join us as National Park Ranger Horace Seldon leads a discussion about Garrison’s uncompromising moral stance on the abolition of slavery. 6:30 p.m. at The Museum of African American History, Abiel Smith School Gallery, 46 Joy St., Beacon Hill, Boston. Free, doors open at 6 p.m. Please contact 617-742-5415 to register.

Boston’s longest-running open mic spot bringing you the finest in poetry/spoken word, Hip-Hop, song, dance, films, music, etc. 7-9:30 p.m. @ Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, 300 Walnut Ave., Roxbury. Free 2 the public ... all ages are welcomed. Hosted by VCR. With special guest artist: NATURAL BLISS (female emcee/poet.) 4 more info contact VCR at 617-480-7663. 4 directions visit

Financial Fitness
Madison Park Development Corporation in Roxbury presents a money management program to help you! Sign up now for free classes in English and learn to manage and balance a bank account, establish credit and fix bad credit, get out of debt, create a budget you can live on, save money to buy a home, develop a savings plan and much more. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Orchard Gardens Community Center, 2 Dearborn St., Roxbury. To enroll or for further information, call: Luz Marie Colon at 617-541-3900 x236.

FRI., MAR. 23

50th Anniversary Production of “West Side Story”
The opening performance of On Broadway’s production of “West Side Story” will be prefaced by a presentation by Jamie Bernstein, Leonard Bernstein’s daughter. Her lecture will feature readings from letters written by Leonard Bernstein, analysis of his score and clips of music to exemplify the genius of his work. Ms. Bernstein’s lecture will be followed by a “meet and greet” reception. Guests will then be escorted down to the theatre for the opening performance. Bernstein’s lecture is Friday, March 23 at 6 p.m., “Meet and Greet” at 7 p.m. at Boston University College of Arts and Sciences, Second Floor, Room 224, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Performance at 8 p.m. at Boston University’s Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Two more performances on Saturday, March 24 at 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Tickets for West Side Story are $8. Tickets for Bernstein’s lecture are $5 and a combination ticket including the lecture, meet and greet and West Side Story are $10. Tickets can be purchased at the door or may be requested to be held at the door via e-mail at tickets.buwestside@
. Call 617-353-4636 for more information.

Sharing our Stories,

Hear stories from men and women confined within Massachusetts prisons. Join us and bring friends, 7-9:30 p.m. at Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St., Copley Square, Boston. Refreshments will be available. Contributions greatly appreciated. For more information on this event call 617-576-5367, visit www.throughbarbed-
or email throughbarbedwire
. For venue information call Jason at 617-266-6710 or visit

SAT., MAR. 24

Mount Auburn Cemetery: Celebrating 175 Years & Women’s History Month
“Generations of Women Moving History Forward: Some Remarkable Women at Mount Auburn” — a walking tour. Please join us for this walk to celebrate National Women’s History Month. We will visit the memorials of women whose determination and courage moved history forward. Civil rights activist Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, abolitionist Harriet Jacobs, peace activist Julia Ward Howe, and crusader Dorothea Dix are some of those we plan to visit. 2 p.m. at Mount Auburn Cemetery entrance gate, 580 Mount Auburn St., Cambridge. Cost: $10. For more information and to reserve a space, please call 617-607-1981 or send an email to

4th Annual Youth Symposium
“Knowledge is Power, Know your Rights,” presented by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Zeta Nu Sigma Alumnae Chapter. Featured workshops: “Yo, Back Up Off Me!” about knowing the limits of law enforcement and “Snitches Wear Stitches,” a real discussion about the danger behind the phenomenon. 10 a.m. at the YMCA, 316 Huntington Ave, Boston. Free Breakfast, Free Lunch, Free Admission. For more information contact Shauna Rigaud at 857- 991-811 or

SUN., MAR. 25

Isis Club Western Jamboree
Food, door prizes, raffles. Prize for the best Western attire. 4-8 p.m. at Biff’s Lounge, 18-24 Washington St., Dorchester. Donation $10. For tickets contact Michele Whigham-Brown at 617-970-2783 or any Daughter of Syria Court #10.

MON., MAR. 26

NAACP Boston Branch
Monthly Meeting

Please join us in discussion regarding our communities. 6 p.m. at Roxbury Community College, Media Arts Building, Room 301, 1234 Columbus Ave., Roxbury Crossing. For more information call 617-427-9494.

Designing & Operating Stronger Black & Latino Community Organizations & Businesses
ReIdren Business Group presents this free introductory workshop series explaining how non-profit organizations, businesses and faith-based & educational institutions, can operate better, simpler & truer. We will discuss the importance of understanding customer needs, process mapping, fulfilling mission & vision statements & designing information, summaries, reports & data for real impact. If you are a business owner, or leaders/staff in an organization interested in improving your ‘game’, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren St., Roxbury. For more details email, visit, or call Joel at 857 939-1461.


TUES., MAR. 27

African American Studies Program Events
Boston University’s African American Studies Program presents the following event: “Churchill’s Ghosts,” a staged reading from BU Professor Ron Richardson’s play in progress on Winston Churchill, the Western self and the nature of evil. At the Photonics Center, Room 211, 8 St. Mary’s St., Boston. All events take place 4-6 p.m. and are free and open to the public. For more information email

Introduction to Basic Financial Education
The Organization for a New Equality (O·N·E) will be holding its FREE Financial Literacy Workshop series on Tuesday evenings. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, want to discover how to make the most of your money, and learn how to avoid financial pitfalls then this is the workshop for you! Free, fun and informative series, today’s topic is Exploring methods to reach long term financial goals. Free dinner provided! 6-8 p.m. at 410 Boylston St., Fifth Floor, Boston. Registration required. Please RSVP to 617-424-6631.

WEDS., MAR. 28

Roundtable Discussion on Crime in the African American Neighborhood
The William Monroe Trotter Institute @ UMass Boston invites you to participate in a roundtable discussion. Topics are: Types of crime affecting our neighborhoods, Effectiveness of existing crime prevention programs, Policy recommendations and new crime prevention strategies and Role of universities in crime prevention. 9-11 a.m. at Campus Center, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Conference Room 2550B. Refreshments will be served. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Yvonne Gomes-Santos at 617-287-5885 or RSVP by March 23.

African Film Night
Boston University African Studies Center presents free weekly African cinema: a journey through the eyes of African film-makers. For the schedule of films, please visit
. Every Wednesday through April 25, 6:30 p.m. at the African Studies Center, Room 416, 270 Bay State Rd., Boston (the BU Central stop on the Green Line — B train.) Light refreshments served. For more information, email


Free Hearing Screening for Seniors at USES
Do you need your hearing checked? The District 33K Lions’ mobile unit will be doing free hearing screening for any senior 62 or over. 1-3 p.m. at the USES’ Harriet Tubman House, 566 Columbus Ave., Boston. First-come, first-served. Blood-pressure checks will also be available. For more information, call 617-375-8114.

The Creative Writing Department, ∑T∆, and UMB Bookstore present
Danielle Georges
Her poems examine the traumatic experiences that brought her parents to America and the pain of exile, but they also explore the delights of love and the beauty of nature. And like the impudent child in one of her poems who licks the light-colored makeup off a woman’s face, Danielle Legros Georges chips away at the ready-made identities offered up by nationality in her search for a more complete understanding of self. 1 p.m. at UMass-Boston Campus Center Bookstore. If you require special accommodations for this event, please contact the Creative Writing Program by March 27 at 617-287-6703.

The Community Calendar has been established to list community events at no cost. The admission cost of events must not exceed $10. Church services and recruitment requests will not be published. There is no guarantee of publication. To guarantee publication with a paid advertisement please call advertising at (617) 261-4600 ext. 111 or ext. 119. No listings are accepted by telephone or fax. Deadline for all listings is Friday at noon for publication the following week. E-mail your information to: calendar@, or Mail your information to: Community Calendar, Bay State Banner, 23 Drydock Avenue, Boston, MA 02210.

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