Local and Culturally Relevant Events this week:

Ekua Holmes (right) acted as exhibition coordinator for the art gallery at the Piano Factory on Tremont Street, March 25, 2007. The exhibition celebrated contemporary works by Boston’s female artists, including Maddu Huacuja (left), who discussed her most recent work. (John Keys photo) |

At the Central Square Business Association’s annual meeting to elect new officers on March 21, John Durant, the new director of the MIT Science Museum, spoke about the Cambridge Science Festival that will take place April 21 through April 29. Cambridge Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves, CSBA Carl Barron, executive director of CSBA Marina Pevzner and Durant (left to right) were all present at the meeting. Reeves spoke about Cambridge and how happy he is to have Durant join the community. (Photo courtesy of United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley) |

As part of its “Living the Dream” series, the United Way of Massachusetts Bay recently brought together top education leaders to discuss the variety of challenges facing the state’s educational pipeline. Pictured here (left to right) are: Dr. Dana Mohler-Faria, Dr. Linda K. Nathan, Milton J. Little Jr., Linda Wertheimer, Gloria Nemerowicz and Christopher Anderson. (Photo courtesy of United Way of Massachusetts Bay) |

Melida Arredondo, stepmother of Lance Cpl. Alex Arredondo, killed in Iraq Aug. 25, 2004 at the age of 20, spoke Saturday at the bandshell at Boston Common. She criticized the Bush Administration for increasing the cost of the war while slashing federal funds for service agencies, including Uphams Corner Health Center, where she is employed. (Lolita Parker Jr. photo) |