What went wrong on the campus
of Virginia Tech?
It never should have happened. He was clearly mentally disturbed and should have been kept away from other students. But it starts with his family. How could they not have known? |
Arthur Bolt
Office Clerk
The shootings are endemic to the failure of America to address mental health issues. You can’t say that everyone is responsible for his or her actions. Some are clearly not. |
Don McManus
Rehabilitation Counselor
South End
What happened in Virginia Tech was horrible. [The shooter] was clearly very disturbed, but what makes it more shocking is that everyone ignored all of the warning signs.
Kamisha Davis
We have lost our way. Instead of trying to be politically correct, we should focus on solving real problems. No one stood up and took responsibility for this kid — not his family, not his teachers and not himself.
Tim Potter
Housing Supervisor
The young man felt that he was devalued and was not a part of American society. But instead of dealing with his own shortcomings, insecurities and ineptitude, he decided to shoot innocent people. Society played a part, but he ultimately is responsible for his own shortcomings. |
Lynette Comma
Artist and Writer
I don’t want to condone the actions, but what happened is symptomatic of the general acceptance of violence as second nature here in America. And it is my belief that the pharmaceutical companies are not being completely honest.
Brian Allen
Transportation Dispatcher
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom