Healthy aging:
Americans living longer
Esther Williams (right) is a reading coach for Generations Incorporated, a nonprofit organization that connects Boston residents 55 and older with children who need help in reading and mathematics. Here, Williams is coaching Elise Santiago. Lera Shawver photo |
In all the talk about health disparities among the races, there is finally a silver lining for African American men and women in Massachusetts.
For men who reach the age of 85, blacks are expected to live an additional nine years, two more than whites. For women, the number is eight more years for blacks and 7.6 years for whites.
Of course, the only problem is making it to 85.
But change is coming.
Dr. Monera B. Wong sees it everyday. A geriatrician at MGH Senior Health, Massachusetts General Hospital’s geriatric medicine unit. Wong attributes the longer life spans of all Americans to not just one thing, but a combination of everything from healthier diets and lifestyles to better medications and medical technologies.
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At 93 — A dandy dancer
If anyone should know about health, it’s Osceola B. Nathan.
Last month, she celebrated her 93rd birthday, and with the exception of a few little health problems, she is still strong enough to teach line dancing on a regular basis.
The Power of Prevention

More than one third of deaths in this country are preventable. Furthermore, black Americans often share a disproportionate burden of many chronic diseases and conditions.
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