Former ambassador sees hope for Africa
David Cogger
On Aug. 7, 1998, members of al-Qaida detonated two car bombs, one each outside American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The explosions killed 12 people and injured 85 others.
At the time of those terrorist attacks, Charles Stith was awaiting confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Tanzania. President Bill Clinton had nominated Stith, and like most things in Washington, D.C., political gamesmanship was slowing up the process.
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Kennedy introduces Senate bill to reduce health disparities
Banner Staff
Gss., and Thad Cochran, R-Miss., introduced legislation to the Senate last Thursday that would authorize roughly $500 million to improve the health of populations suffering from disparities in health care.
“Your health should not depend on the color of your skin, the size of your bank account or where you live. It is time to stop talking about health disparities and take action to eliminate them,” said Kennedy. “All Americans, including people of color, deserve an opportunity for a healthy life.”
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Supreme Court to review cocaine case
Mark Sherman
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court agreed Monday to review whether judges are required to impose dramatically longer sentences for crack cocaine than for cocaine powder, stepping into a long-running dispute with racial overtones.
Most crack cocaine offenders in federal courts are black.
The justices said they would hear the case of Derrick Kimbrough in the fall. Kimbrough, who is black and a veteran of the first war with Iraq in 1991, received a 15-year prison term for dealing both crack and powder cocaine, as well as possessing a firearm, in Norfolk, Va. Full story
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Farrakhan’s church visit shows one Nation under God
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