Roxbury Film Festival continues gaining notoriety
in 9th year
Bridgit Brown
Eight years ago, Candelaria Silva-Collins, director of ACT Roxbury, had an idea for a film festival in Roxbury.
But transforming an idea into reality requires work and perseverance.
And a lot of meetings.
“We met with the cultural economic development program at Mass Cultural Council,” says Silva-Collins. “About six months later, we met with a woman who worked for the Museum of Fine Arts and she introduced us to someone at The Boston Foundation where we pitched the idea of having a film series in Roxbury.” Film Festival Coverage
State insurance commish puts premium on fairness
Dan Devine
Questions still linger about the impact of recently announced changes to the state’s car insurance system on drivers in urban areas like Roxbury and Dorchester.
While the state Division of Insurance maintains that rates will decline in 2008 “for good drivers, irrespective of where they live,” consumer advocates and elected officials — burned once before by the onset of competition in the auto market — remain skeptical. Full story
Orchestra recounts the life of a forgotten black sailor
Kyle de Beausset
Nineteenth-century black Bostonian and sailor David Debias never made headlines during his life, but his story will soon be set to music.
“David and ‘Old Ironsides,’” an original piece commissioned by the Boston Landmarks Orchestra, will debut on July 31 in a free performance at the Charlestown Navy Yard. Full story
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The war on drugs is still a war on blacks
—Earl Ofari Hutchinson
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Roxbury needs to move past politics of react-ivism
— Carlos Henriquez
Candidate for Boston City Council
District Seven
Bush’s contradiction
— Sen. John F. Kerry
In response to President Bush’s in Charlestown, S.C., on the fight against terrorism and Iraq
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• Study: Blacks imprisoned at the highest rate in the U.S.
• Rare letter for sale: Pardon of black Underground Railroad hero
• Police: Rappers Ja Rule, Lil Wayne arrested in NYC
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• MIT professor resigns to protest colleague’s tenure denial
• Sheriff Cabral, leading Mass. legislators endorse Hillary Clinton
•State Dept. of Public Health devotes $600K in anti-crime funding to hospitals across Mass.
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