Why do you think turnout was so low
in last Tuesday’s election?
There’s a lot of ignorance about the electoral process. Elections and voting aren’t presented to the people as being important.
Francis Pina
College Student
I don’t get out to vote. I’m too busy. I don’t trust politicians. They make promises and they don’t deliver.
Crystal Jones
Maybe the people don’t know who to trust. There’s so much corruption all the way up to the White House.
Yvonne Gadson
Home Health Aide
People in the community lost faith in the councilors. Every year it’s promises and promises. Nothing gets done. I’m an ex-convict. My last conviction was 10 years ago. I can’t get a job.
Michael Rose
I think it’s because people don’t trust the candidates. It was a shame. We’re losing out on a lot.
Sharon Triplett
Clinical Coordinator
Because it was raining. Black people don’t like to go out in the rain to vote. I voted, but most people don’t think their vote counts, especially since Bush stole the election.
Patricia Arthur