The new China card
Deval heads Far East to stir up business for the Bay State
Talia Whyte
Gov. Deval Patrick will depart tomorrow to lead a trade mission to the People’s Republic of China with a team of Massachusetts business executives, academics and senior government officials.
During the seven-day trip, intended to increase business between the Commonwealth and China, the delegation plans to visit business leaders in Beijing and Shanghai to discuss clean air initiatives, life sciences, education and transportation.
“In today’s global economy, competition is worldwide, and so are the opportunities,” Patrick said in a statement announcing the excursion. “No state can afford to sit back and wait for the benefits of foreign trade and development. We have a responsibility to partner with the private sector and promote Massachusetts effectively and aggressively.” Full Story
Dem hopefuls setting sights on Iowa win
Nedra Pickler and Beth Fouhy
WASHINGTON — For now, the Democratic presidential campaign has become a four-letter word:
The campaign’s first voting state has become so vital that all the Democrats are focused on it. It’s where front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton hopes to begin a no-stumbles sprint to the nomination, and it’s the one place her opponents have a chance to slow her. Full story
Desegregation rulings causing confusion
Allen G. Breed
Officials in Shelby County, Tenn., complain they’ll have to spend millions to satisfy a federal judge’s “arbitrary” desegregation order. It’ll mean busing minority students up to an hour away and replacing hundreds of white teachers with black ones, they say.
In Huntsville, Ala., under a similar court order, students can transfer from a school where they’re in the racial majority, but not the other way around.
And in the Tucson, Ariz., Unified School District, students could move from one school to another only if the change improved “the ethnic balance of the receiving school and [did] not further imbalance the ethnic makeup of the home school.” Full story
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The price of democracy: U.S. House passes ‘better than nothing’ compromise mortgage reform bill
— Marc H. Morial
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No-warrant searches a bad idea from the start
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• E-mail scam uses N.C. NAACP head’s name to solicit cash
• U.S. attorney’s office: Snipes’ claims he can’t get a fair trial in Ocala, Fla., are baseless
• Death prompts Maryland NAACP to call for Taser ban in Frederick County
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• Patrick signs law to benefit Mass. workers
• CDC awards $35M to support HIV testing, increase early diagnosis among blacks
• Ministers start fund to help homicide victims’ families
• City, state elections on tap for October and November
• Commonwealth to receive nearly $12M in emergency energy assistance
• BU names leading virologist to biolab post
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