Alcohol abuse:
Playing Russian roulette
Alcohol is the most commonly used substance in this country. In 2006, more than 50 percent of the U.S. population aged 12 or older purported to have had at least one drink in the past 30 days. |
It started innocently enough.
Richard Chester was 12 years old when his uncle offered him “a little taste.” It wasn’t much, but it was enough to quickly become a problem.
“I liked it,” he said.
And that was the problem.
He started with cheap wines and beer, and developed a taste for vodka and orange juice. By the time he got to high school, alcohol had started to do its damage. His grades steadily dropped, but he was still able to run track.
In his mind, everything was still good — even though he hid little nips in his gym bag.
“I didn’t care,” he recalls. “My focus was on getting high.”
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Accepting the problem is the first step to recovery
Denial often plays a big part in people who abuse or are dependent on alcohol.
They deny sexual problems. They deny ulcers. They deny that they deny, and tell lies when the truth would do.
Some really believe that they do not have a drinking problem because they drink only on weekends. Others come up with all sorts of drinking myths. Full
Heavy drinking:
A common but destructive habit click
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
A Closer Look

Alcohol is the most commonly used substance in this country and the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death. More than 80,000 deaths a year are attributed to alcohol due to medical illnesses and unintentional accidents. Only tobacco and poor diet and inactivity account for more lifestyle-related causes of death.
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