Skin Cancer:
A colorblind disease
Garry Freeman did not realize that the spot on his foot was melanoma. Despite the removal of two toes, Freeman is back on the job as a manager at Star Manufacturing, LTD. |
From where Garry Freeman is standing, life is good.
A former carpenter, Freeman, 52, is now working on a few special projects. A house for his daughter is one of them. A treehouse for his grandchildren is another.
His wife Minnie is particularly proud. “We are blessed,” she said. “He has had that spot for years. It could have been much worse.”
“That spot” was underneath his big toe on the sole of his foot. Though it was about the size of a nickel, Freeman says he didn’t think much about it at first and blamed the spot on wearing boots on construction sites.
“I thought it was just a discoloration in the skin,” he said.
It took a while, but Minnie grew tired of such excuses. She begged Freeman to get the spot looked at by a physician, but he consistently refused. Full story
A nose full of trouble
Say this about Janet Williams. She knows herself.
And one thing she knows is that she is definitely not a sun person. Even when she and her husband went fishing with their children, she wore a large sun hat and watched them fish from the comfort of the shade.
“Even my house is dark,” she said. Full
Protect your skin so it can protect you click
May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
A Closer Look

The good news is that people of color — blacks, Latinos, Asians, American Indians — have a low incidence of all types of skin cancer. The bad news is that many minorities are not aware that they are susceptible to skin cancer, do not take precautions against it and do not recognize its signs and symptoms.
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