City violence
is back on the front burner
Howard Manly
Rev. Bruce Wall has stirred the pot.
Not that long ago, Wall was alone, a squeaky voice screaming about the growing murder rate in Boston and calling it a “state of emergency.”
He is not alone anymore.
“I cannot keep up with the requests from the media outlets who want to speak to me,” Wall said in one of his recent mass e-mailings. “I do not know why my words are resonating with so many people.”
The reasons are pretty clear.
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When losing
is winning
Andrea Baptiste is a bit of a celebrity these days.
She actually made it to the finals of one of those reality television shows.
She didn’t win.
She lost.
And lost, and lost.
And that was a good thing, because the show, “The Biggest Loser,” was all about contestants losing weight and getting fit.
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