Cervical cancer:
Making HPV ‘one less’ problem
Brittany Wilson-Guillermo (right) was not shy in talking to her mother, Tahira, about Gardasil. |
As conversations go between mothers and daughters, this topic had a family tradition.
The topic was sex, and as Tahira Wilson-Guillermo, 51, a longtime schoolteacher, tells the story, her mother’s mother unknowingly started the tradition. A devoted Jehovah’s Witness, Tahira’s grandmother believed that you just did not discuss such things and would not have such talk in her house. Full story
Regular testing helps prevent
the deadly disease
It’s not easy for Maria Rodriguez to talk about cervical cancer.
Down in the Dominican Republic where she was born, folks just didn’t talk about things like sex. And they certainly didn’t talk about any diseases that could be caused by sex. Full
A closer look

The cervix, the lower part of the uterus or womb, is part of the female reproductive system.
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